We are going to Supercharged this year on April 7th - Please fill out the waiver form below! Purchase price is per attendee, please set quantity to however many attendees will be there.
Arrival 5:15 PM
Ninja Wipeout Course 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Banquet in the Mezzanine Room 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Our banquet will consist of:
Season Synopsis
K-4 Highlights
5-7 Highlights
Individual 8th Grade Highlights
Family and friends are welcome! Come and enjoy this years team as we recognize their accomplishments over the season, highlight our 8th graders and give out some hardware as we recognize specific accomplishments with certain awards voted by the coaching staff!
Please fill out the form so we have an accurate count of how many can attend. This year we will have a set price for each attendee to help cover food cost but KWK has covered the expense of this huge event thanks to all of your hard work!
Ninja Pre-Registration for your APRIL 7th Event
Brett , please forward this link on to everyone that will be racing, jumping and or bumping in your event. Please read the waiver, and enter your event code which is: >> 300476
Click here to register now, or copy and paste this link and don't forget to forward it on to everyone attending!
Event Date: 4/7/2022
PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME FOR YOUR EVENT. We try hard to maintain a schedule to provide you with excellent supercharged service. Tardiness can result in a five hour delay or loss of race times.
Adult completing waiver for minor: SEE ATTACHED
Adult (parent or legal guardian) must begin by following instructions to create an account for themselves, then add a minor to their waiver. Be sure to hit “save” and “submit” to complete.