How to Form a Team or Become a Free Agent
Team Formation
Every team will consist of a minimum of 5 athletes and maximum of 12 athletes ranging in weight classes of 150, 170, 190, 220 and Heavyweight. A maximum of 3 athletes per weight can be held on a roster at one time. Not all weight classes need to be filled for a team to be formed.
How to Form a Team
“Team Captains” must pay at the creation of their team. Each team must submit the names of every rostered athlete on their team. Every individual must then register themselves and have a USAW Card to enter. Use the link below to submit a team.
Every athlete must fill out either a “Rostered Athlete Registration Form” or become a “Free Agent”. Before registering, all athletes must have a USA Wrestling Card to participate. You can create a profile and purchase a membership below.