U10 States
Improve Everyday
Weekly Updates on KWK’s Progress Throughout the Season
January 30, 2024
Week 9
U10 States
This weekend was a huge tournament for our youth wrestlers! They found out how they compared to every wrestler in the state at their age and weight. I love watching our kids go out on the mat and have fun. It’s not easy to wrestle. And as many of you can see when the kids compete there are some really high and low emotions. They can enjoy the game and hate the outcome. Or they accomplish something amazing!
Going out on the mat is an accomplishment alone. I’ll say it all the time, performing in front of an audience is hard. And when that audience is half cheering for you and half cheering against you it can be very difficult to get through. Your son or daughter no matter what outcome happened did something incredible!
I am so proud of all the kids that competed! I do have a shout out for some of the performances that really stood out.
First I have to appreciate the three Assistant Coaches with me on Sunday, Coach Rick who helped our kids in the morning and Ryan Gill and Braeden Thrasher who were there all afternoon! They were awesome and definitely needed!
I want to give a shout out to Cole Fernandes who wrestled in two brackets Sunday! He wrestled in his own bracket and when a young boy didn’t have anyone else to wrestle Cole stepped up and wrestled in his bracket too! Cole went on to place 2nd and 3rd in his respective competitions!
We had two finalists, Ben Nagelberg and Ryan Thrasher! Ben has worked hard this year getting better with a wider selection of techniques and it paid off this weekend. In his semi finals match he was down by 5 points and threw his patented headlock for the win late in the third period! Ryan, a first year wrestler, battled all day pinning his first two opponents with his brother in his corner! He went on to the finals where he wrestled a super tough opponent and fell short with just seconds remaining on the clock.
For the U8 Division Teddy Decoursey, Owen Boyle and Rye Lasalle all placed in their divisions! Owen placed 6th in the state, while Rye and Teddy both took 4th. Teddy wrestled two 7 year olds with about 3 years experience wrestling each. Not even a lie, both those kids may have wrestled since they were about 4 years old and Teddy did great! Rye has been on a journey this year. I can’t tell you how proud I am! He has certainly caught onto wrestling and now can proudly say that he is one of the best in the state!
In our U10 division we already mentioned Ryan and Ben, but also placing 5th were Dylan Denocourt and Nicholas Gill! Dylan actually had to sacrifice an ice cream to win his last match! He didn’t realize there was one more and when he was called to the mat I could see the trail of sprinkles that led back to the nitrogen ice cream lady! But Dylan did awesome all day. And Gill not only won his first matches this weekend he strung a couple together to place 5th! Super happy for his accomplishment and he also got to do that with big bro in his corner.
Cole Fernandes 2nd, 3rd Place
Blake Fernandes
Lawson Gregory
Owen Boyle 6th Place
Rye Lasalle 4th Place
Teddy Decoursey 4th Place
Benjamin Nagelberg 2nd Place
Dylan Denoncourt 5th Place
Ellianna Cochard-Freitas
Jameson Lannan
Nicholas Gill 5th Place
Ryan Thrasher 2nd Place